Dr. Buzz Aldrin, the 2nd person ever to walk
on the Moon, and Rich. (Los Angeles, California [9/99] )



Rich (green, All State ´85 & ´86 at 155 lbs.)
vs. a member of the defending VISWA state
team champion Bishop Ireton High, near
Washington D.C. (1986)

Below one can once again see both of
Rich's rasslin' shoes, but not his face...

Other sports in which Rich has regularly
participated competitively: American football,
karate, tennis, lacrosse, cycling, and swimming.



Rich on the steps of the New York
Stock Exchange while a law student
at the University of Virginia (1993).

e-mail: Rich@SpaceProjects.com

Rich R.obbins

Should we be satisfied with the status quo regarding space, or
should we finally enact  more pro-entrepreneurial reforms?

Is it wi$e to maintain NASA´s official government agency monopoly? (brief article)

Has NASA been stifling commercial space ventures that could otherwise outperform it?
(brief editorial)

Some of Rich's live appearances on national t.v.
(Fox News Channel  debate, & an exchange with President Bush)

.Rich Robbins


We could probably repay our record high $8 trillion dollar national debt with the benefits resulting from less inefficient colonization efforts on the Moon and Mars.  Such breakthroughs would pertain to energy production, the biotech sector, robotics, mining, chemistry, and telemedicine, etcetera. One also cannot overlook exploration´s exciting ability to potentially inspire students to eagerly embrace math & science like they did  during the Apollo Era when folks like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Amazon.com's Jeff Bezos initially fell in love with such subjects. We could even learn to increasingly view others as fellow Earthlings, not enemies, while we struggle together against the shared hardships of the unknown.  

To visit the Mars Society´s Mexico Chapter which Rich founded during his 6 years invested in
our #2 trading partner (as an international business attorney, legal academic & entrepreneur), click here.
