This page explains how you can help take space back from the bureaucrats and their pet contractors...
Are you interested?
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to
B. Anthony (in Federal Court, being tried
for voting)
"If you are willing to rob Peter to pay Paul, Paul
is more likely to vote for you."
"One of the penalties for refusing to participate
in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."
"If pro is the opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?"
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man - brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." -Mark Twain
"Let prejudices and local interests yield to reason. Let us look to our national character and to things beyond the present period." -George Washington
"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!" -Thomas Jefferson
To see who contributes to whom, or receives what from whom in terms of
campaign financing,
please feel free to consult the following free source:
To consult our page dedicated to campaign finance reforms' anticipated impact
on presently contractor-subjugated NASA, please feel free to click
Remember, if you want to understand what's REALLY causing the space
industry to underperform even as some folks opportunistically pretend to
praise its "progress," just
the money!
Another potentially liberating link:
Google News Alerts (a
free news update service tailored to YOUR preferences)...
Anyhow, NASA is funded by, and authorized by, the House & Senate. The House subcommittee with control of the pur$e is the Science, State, Justice, and Commerce subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. The budget that they debate about, "mark-up" and ultimately vote on initially comes from the White House, mainly from its Office of Management & Budget (or OMB, which is scrutinized by, among other watchdog entities).
Meanwhile NASA, the National Science Foundation and the FAA´s Administrator for Space Transportation (AST) are "overseen" or "policed" by Congress through the congressional Science Committees. Senator John McCain has chaired the Senate´s Science, Commerce & Technology Committee. Its counterpart in the House is the House Science Committee. Here is an alternative website for John McCain, who says that N.A.S.A. is more of an acronym for "never a straight answer".
Here are some additional relevant websites: online archive of prior C-Span coverage |
United States House of Representatives: |
United States Senate: |
These toll-free numbers to the Capitol Hill
switchboard *1-800-648-3516 *1-877-762-8762 |
Congressional record online: |
The White House:
White House comment line
#: 202-456-1111. |
U.S. Supreme Court: |
Political Activism Online: |
Others: | American Politics on Demand | | | Politics, Activism, Political Issues, Government, and Elections | (Senator John McCain's alternative website) | |
it wi$e to maintain
NASA´s official monopoly?
annual budget is a little over 3 times larger than the NSF´s, but NASA
engages in nearly 9 times as much pork barrel spending. For
details, please click
Legal and governmental reforms
needed to help jumpstart the space industry...
brief excerpts from President
Eisenhower´s Farewell Address.